i had a range on monday.
as usual, i've rashes on my body after that and followed by fever.
this is like a assured thing that i'll have rashes after the insect bites. i've been to nuh 2 times before this, and was quarantined in some password locked room by myself. they refered me to a specialist, which was 4 monthes after i went to nuh. it'll be too serious if the rashes stay on after that long period. -_-
anyway, i've sun burn days before the spec appointment. so the spec said that it's sun burn and not rashes. !@#$% ~ however, the mark from the rashes is still obvious. i was offered to excuse out field, and i said "NO". (i said "YES" to "kiang")
on monday night, the rashes appear again. my pc told me to go medical centre, and i told the mo that i've arranged another appt with the spec. so he just gave me cream, and asked me what type of status do i wan. "do you want excuse uniform?" this is too tempting. -_- this status will basically disallow me to do many things. and i said "NO" again. KIANG!! he asked me a few times anyway, "u sure?"
then last night, the rashes start to bleed and get painful rather than just itchy. so i went to nuh again and get quarantined. nothing new.
cut the story short, mc for yesterday (wasted) and today.
i was too sick to watch arsenal vs roma at 0345 and slept once i reached home. disappointment*
the doctor in nuh took some pictures.
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