Friday 29 February 2008

Future GPX Cyber Formula

i've finally finished MOST of cyber formula!

新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ 11 (double one)
新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ zero
新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ saga
新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ sin

i still left 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラEARLYDAYS RENEWAL (2 episodes)

it's by sunrise, the first serie was in 1991 and the last was in 1998.
a great show.
it's about kazami hayato race in the world cyber formula championship which is formula racing in the future, when race cars are equipped with computer support systems called 'Cyber Systems'. later in the show, there is actually a 'zero realm' which is like seed-mode. lol.

i remembered i watched a few episode of it when i was in hk, still a kid..
deprive childhood, so yeah... don't get to watch it. i used to have a toy car of it.

it has been a popular ps2 game series

kazami hayato's car is asurada, upgraded several times along the serie. typical sunrise, when the main character can't win, just get a new machine. just like gundam.

ultimate wisp

taken from mog's link in my tag.
dk keeps fake and cancel death coil, and moon only build when the real coil comes out. lol!! godlike.

Picture of sky vs jay

Wednesday 27 February 2008


this is too strong! too yellow too violent!
(这个太强大了! 很黄很暴力!)
popular chinese quote...

part 1:

part 2:

Tuesday 26 February 2008



周杰伦,他无法忍受音乐上曲风的重复与不求突破的安稳!2008年1月13日,台湾歌手周杰伦以超过263万次的年度总下载量,荣膺2007年度无线音乐最高销量男歌手。 而其代言《真三国无双OL》而量身订做的《无双》2007年底一经推出就被大量下载,这首中国风快歌。“我命格无双,一统江山狂胜之中我却黯然语带悲伤;我命格无双一统江山,破城之后我却微笑绝不恋战”歌曲振奋人心让人热血沸腾,也用古典浪漫的意境带我们回到了那个数百年前的峥嵘沙场。被认为是2007年度流行乐坛“中国风”的收官之作。


sky vs jay in 真三国无双OL!! support sky!! ou xiang jia you!!

stay in

as expected... gonna stay in.
and my csm is so cough* (don't know who is gonna read my blog)
he asked me in his office today, i was expecting him to tell me about the stay in.

he: u excuse driving right?
i: yes sir
he: u mean u can't drive in camp?? it's just 30km/h, i'm not asking u to drive to jurong or something. who gives u this status?
i: the mo here
he: u go to medical centre and ask y they give u this status.
i: yes sir
he: u also excuse heavy load right?
i: yes
he: carry this (hand me a walkie talkie)
i took it
he: pain?
i: no
he: then? excuse heavy load? can carry ration right? can carry 10 of this?
i: should be

so i went to the medical centre as instructed, and ask abt y they give me such status. i know it kinda sound silly, and as expected that guy look at me with a stunt look. i explain to him about it. his reaction is quite funny, "he is a toot*!" oh well... whole tuas naval base know my csm and so far i think they dislike him. end up he helped me check it up, and tell me that "just tell him, becos u're medically unfit."

ok.. enough of complain, time to think of what can i do in there..

Monday 25 February 2008

crazy warcraft3 moves

sweet vs moon: double surround

sky vs moon: zepplin stunt

moon vs undead: wisp built cancel coil


bad news...
i'm in tuas defence squadron, which is the base security company.
so it will be a 24/7 stay in unit.

bookout once every 2 weeks for 2 days, public holiday book out is depends on luck.
everyday you just mount-dismount-standby.... the cycle just continue until you ORD. and when you standby, you need to be in there. no book out, no life. locked up in tuas. GG..

i was kinda lucky that i stay out for a few months due to medical reason, and now the csm is fed up and gonna plant me in.

i'm driver by vocation and i've medical status that excuse me from driving, ippt, running, marching, jumping, heavy load. but i gonna rot in there doing nothing. well done.

i added the ORD countdown at the bottom of the blog, omg... 473 days to go.

hint: the only way out is to get excuse stay in. -__-

L: change the world

watched it with akira, kelvin and mog yesterday in cineleisure.

the way L runs and types on the laptop is funny.

manage to catch the last train.. lucky.. "Last train to jurong east: 2 min" run run run... we were joking we should run like L.


continue from the last 2 movies of death note, L has 23 more days before he dies, as he had written his own name in the death note. now there is a virus crisis, L is going to save the world with 23 days!

maybe it'll better if near's hair is as curly as it's in the manga. haha..

today is mayday

i was having problem with my blog link, end up with 'today-is-mayday'.

from dict, mayday means 1st of may.

"May 1, observed as a holiday especially in socialist countries in honor of labor and labor organizations. "

basically it's a happy day.

i searched it, it also means "the international radiotelephone distress signal, used by ships and aircraft. " lol...

and of course, my favourite band Mayday! 五月天!

time to start invading others' blogs...

Sunday 24 February 2008

first post for new blog

finally get this up, at last...
blogspot is more userfriendly now.
my old blog,, will no longer be in used.

everyone feels free to drop by frequently, and remember to tag!!

P.S. thank you, to those who help me with the blog.