Monday, 1 February 2010

back to basic

look back at january's tournaments, the result is far from satisfying.

a poor run of swiss in jurong on 30/01 to sum up the month. (i didn't join 31/01 in jurong)

just to summarised things that i've overlooked and can be improved.

1. miss out possible otk chance

being known to be a conservation and control player, i often miss out a possible way to win the game in 1 turn. my mind will auto pilot to predict what opponent will and can do, while i try to get the better side of it. but so often i just miss out simple way of winning the game. another main reason is that i didn't pay enough attention to opponent's hp, but more often looking at my own hp. maybe it's a sign of having "lack of confidence". i know it sounds very weird to come from me. lol.

regarding this, i must talk about alex. he always says i'm being too conservative after i lost. sometimes he just tried to force the idea over, e.g. after searching wih ww through shura, i just set a book of moon a done (not knowing opponent's deck). and he said i should set everything e.g. icarus etc. because opponent later just do lots of summoning and push the board, and it's considered a mistake not to set more to him. how about i may just get heavy storm-ed? he argued that opponent will not dare because of starlight road running in my deck. but it's too big of risk. i saw him did that before and he got heavy storm-ed which cost him the game, he went on to complain that opponent draws into that 1 and only heavy storm in deck.

2. over concern with card advantage

technically same as above. i did that just on saturday in swiss 3 2nd game, when probably i should just use hurricane to ensure it's safe before i proceed to do brain control while opponent has 1 set card. because i've body as shield, i planned to do a 1 for 1 trade if necessary which i later learnt my lesson that it's a book of moon.

well... jeff is good in this, often see his deck runs cards that will loss card advantage, but will give him more options.

3. "functional fixedness"

click and read more to know the title means. i don't really have much of this nowadays though, learnt from past mistakes. sometimes i even make use of this to my advantage, e.g. i just get trap dust shooted by opponent. i start playing mind games and in a way control opponent. but of course, i need to have a hand that can allow me to do so after i get trap dust shooted to begin with.

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