it has been awhile since i last update a tournament, maybe because i scrubbed too much? lol.
played ww bf as well on sat and lost to baha with holy wyvern banged twice. can't do anything, died in top 6.
team up with akira and sam, and the worming day starts with lunch in yew tee (the root of trouble).
sam: vayu bf splash lightlord
me: ww bf
akira: eatos anti-meta
swiss match 1: team forfeited
swiss match 2: team victory
vs anti-meta gadget (OXO)
game 1: didn't know it's gadget but a twilight anti-meta.
game 2: farmed by gadget loop, and then all the 1 for 1.
game 3: ww vs gadget farm~
swiss match 3: team victory
vs ww bf (OO)
game 1: draw all monsters, and he has armor master with oppression and ww. so i can't do anything to it. just thin my own deck with 2x ww until i've no monster except a gorz in deck. at last draw a none monster card (cyclone on oppression), summon sirocco and s.summon 2x bora, focus and hit on his sirocco then throw 3x kalut. violent*
game 2: nothing special
top 12: team victory
vs ww bf (OXO)
game 1: Nx mistakes, vomit after it... zzz
game 2: he brain controlled after i used solemn to protect my armor master
game 3: nothing special
top 6: team victory
vs ww bf (XOX)
game 1: he starts 1st, with ww farm + trap dust shoot
game 2: i start 1st, with ww farm + starlight road
game 3: he starts 1st with ww farm + icarus
top 3 one: team defeat
vs dd gb (XOO)
game 1: gb with trap dust follow with right cards.
game 2: i think he 'missed' a turn
game 3: worm from beginning to the end, and win with mist wyrm.
top 3 two: team defeat
vs LL (XOX)
game 1: typical LL
game 2: light mirror ownage
game 3: trying to set up for decisive arm but get owned by celestial with 2x wulf milled plus s.summon a judgement dragon.
my number one fan...