Sunday 3 May 2009

cards against AKB

after playing with AKB for 2 months...
i've kinda get used to it, constant top 3 in weekly tournaments. (yesterday was an exception, jie jie > everything)
after 2 months of try and edit, the main deck is kinda max out to my style. as for side deck, it'll just keep changing according to other decks in the metagame, and also what cards they use to side against AKB. but overall, i need to improve my play, there're still mistakes.

since AKB is like the deck to beat now, yes... not BF somehow. ok, fine, maybe it's still BF in singapore. lol..
everyone did lots of side decking against AKB, and some just main some tech cards.

cards which i feel will hurt AKB, in no order.

-deck devastation virus
-natural beast
-dimension fissure/cosmo
-ancient forest
-skill drain
-divine wrath
-threatening roar/waboku
-death knight caliber
-d.d. crow
-bottomless traphole
-mind control

deck devastation virus:
clearly, the main cards like summon priest, rescue cats and gravekeeper will fly, technically close to all monsters. deck destruction virus is less useful against AKB. only x-saber, dark arm, gorz, and for some cyber dragon and chaos sorceror. i still remember in one AKB mirror match, which i start first. i set a spy and end, then he set a monster and a m/t. i use cold wave, he chained for deck destruction virus. i show him my hand. then reverse summon spy for spy. summon my cat, and otk...

natural beast:
it only happens in mirror, more or less... the player who starts first summon a natural beast on his field then set a supportive m/t, e.g. bottomless traphole or book of moon. AKB practically can't do anything at it. can't go offensive to take out the natural beast as you can't take out the set card behind without using magic. and if you try to rescue cat, be ready to die. so most likely is go for defensive and try to counter.

spy is a key card in the deck. key to card advantage --> arcanite mag. and to drag for components, e.g. cat, coldwave. also, accelerate pot of avarice. generally, 2000 def is good against most decks.

dimension fissure/cosmo:
simply counter the whole deck. you can't cat and avarice. and even coldwave won't help. close shop. side deck needed... unless u normal summon your x-saber to synchro with GK for arcanite mag/black rose. but fuel runs out on the spot.

ancient forest:
only seen against GB. you can't attack until you clear it with a cyclone or something which most likely you'll get controlled by GB by then. another main thing is spy, raikou, get flipped open to attack mode without effect, the whole tempo is towards GB immediately. but coldwave can be used. so not that bad.

skill drain:
skill drain control is a problem, since it stops everything. but same thing, just side deck more 'wind'

divine wrath:
no cat, no summon priest. until your coldwave. but things that can be solved with coldwave is not that much of a problem. same apply to chariot.

threatening roar/waboku:
as mention above, coldwave plays a part. roar can chain, so won't get bang by x-saber and stuff. then most likely AKB won't cat, since can't attack. make use of the coldwave and counter attack. i play against this emo guy who side 3x roar, 3x waboku against me. lol... i took out my coldwave and milk his cards slowly.

death knight caliber:
can be seen in japanese's AKB main deck. good in mirror, since AKB is the meta there. it's like a raiou, but you just can't cat or priest.

d.d. crow:
AKB will run out of fuel, unless it uses pot of avarice.

bottomless traphole:
simply kill the x-saber when summoned through cat. if the AKB player summon 2x x-saber without clearing the back row, well done you've won it already.

mind control:
i use it in mirror, mainly to steal set monster. anything is fine. e.g. spy. i don't loss a card. since my mind control end up becomes summoning a spy on my field. indirectly earn 1 card, since he can't use spy's effect. then u normal summon your x-saber, leet skill...

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