Monday, 21 July 2008

180708 - 200708

meet up with lixin, her sister, and her cousin to watch red cliff in causeway point. i never thought i'll go out with the 3 of them together, quite... weird and funny.
another great movie by john woo, the cast is great too.
i like it alot, can't wait for the next movie.


watched batman: the dark knight in amk hub with kelvin and co. i had high expectation for this movie, and luckily it didn't disappoint me.
but i feel that the joker can be improved. first, a introduction of how joker came about will be good. second, i think the make up can be better. third, the joker is not crazy enough. i know it sounds weird, but yes, i think he can be more insane. through out the movie, i was thinking from joker's view, and i can think of more crazy thing. maybe i can be a good criminal, or at least a sadist one.

i like the part when he tells batman the 2 addresses for him to choose who should he save, rachel or harvey, and joker actually swop the address over. and this leads to batman was heading to harvey dent, when he actually chose rachel. and i was wondering, did he do it on purpose? or is he just too crazy and mix them up by accident.

"why so serious?"


joined the weekly tournament in tampines today, and mog won the jap dark bride. $$$
the match vs "the malay guy" in the top 4 game (not racist here, but he's the only malay there and i don't know his name) is one of the most "perfect lost" i ever had, exclude OTK and FTK.

round 1:
he plays destiny trade in ladd monarch deck (quite a long name, lol)
i win after i control the board and tempo, nothing worth mentioning.

round 2:
he chose to start first after he lost the 1st round, he destiny draw (drop malicius), trade in (drop bloo-d). summon armageddron knight and drop mobc from deck, monster reborn it and take back monster reborn. use malicius effect in grave to s.summon another copy from deck. then cover 2 cards and end.
i drew and said "ddv?" since his malicius is there for that obvious reason, so he just activate it before i do anything (i assume he did it in draw phrase). i dropped my DAD, dark emperor and cyber dragon. left coldwave, emergency tele and critter is the other card. then i look at his field, mobc + armageddron knight + 1 covered card + 3 hands. GG.. lol.
i used coldwave, and he passed. i just tele for my psycho commander and synchro with critter (search banisher) for goyou guardian to attack his armageddron knight, revive it and drop gardna in grave from deck. end turn.
he used lightning vortex, then monster reborn my goyou. attack me with goyou and mobc. i used my gardna effect on goyou. he covered another card and end.
i drew something which i forget wtf is that but it get killed by ddv. i cover banisher and end, and hope to drag to 'fan pan'.
he attacked it and then use brainwash to destroy it. he ends turn.
and i destiny draw DDV. died... (imagine, he didn't brainwash)

round 3:
he just uses DDV again and i drop quite a number, then i dropped every card i drew as well by DDV. then he activated DDDV when DDV's effect is over and now i drew all the smaller guys. totally fuckzored~ one sided game...

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