Friday, 25 April 2008

a date with the mountain king

nowadays, is in love with his mountain king.
he used to use it as a second hero, as most human players do. although he has preference of 2nd hero to fight against specific race in specific map, and 1 thing about human is that, archmage is still the key link of the human army.

back to topic... here is the man.

1. storm bolt (active) A magical hammer that is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target.
2. thunder clap (active) Slams the ground, damaging nearby enemy units. Units are also slowed.
3. bash (passive)Gives a chance that the Mountain King's attack will do 25 bonus damage and stun his opponent for 2 seconds (1 second for Heroes).
4. avatar (ultimate)Activate Avatar to temporarily give the Mountain King 5 bonus armor, 500 bonus hit points, 20 bonus damage and spell immunity.

now sky uses it often as his first hero, rather than the old school archmage.

vs human:
sky uses it in EI and LT (so far i've seen, because sky is famous for his human mirror, so usually human players will pick another race against him) in a normal am vs am match up, water elemental is the key dps, unless u use blizzard to harass peasant. in tier 2, sky has came up with priest dispel opponent's water elemental in mirror which later become the main mirror strat. you gain 'free exp' and also remove opponent's main dps quickly. when 1 has water ele, the other doesn't, the advantage is obvious.
therefore am's water is almost useless in tier 2, so retrain to blizzard is sometimes being used to combo with panda's flame. now sky uses mk as his 1st hero, the main strat is to quick lv3, then find opponent to battle. as am is paper, so mk is extra effective. in tier 2, mk may reach 5. 1 bolt 1 kill. disadvantage is that there's no water to tank when u farm, and also no aura. mk is melee, sorc's slow can make it not so effective.

vs orc:
sky has abandoned his trademark '一波流', as proven not as powerful as before when orc players know how to counter it. he now uses mk as 1st hero in map that can expand easier, e.g. TS and EI. (still '一波流' in other maps though, of course don't include LT)
same thing, mk quick lv3. then he tier 1 expand! typical human strat, just that it's mk not am. but why can't use am to expand? it's a common knowledge that expand vs orc is suicide. because of blademaster can 'infinite' kill workers, while his grunts won't die easily as human has no slow or disable. it's common that raiders start joining the battle while human's expansion not even up. or human gives up to expand and tech, which by then is much slower than orc.
with mk to expand, u can kill grunt! stun and surround... and most importantly, u can control the bm. with stormbolt then focus fire, bm will take lots of dmg and have to ww. when he appears again, he'll be worried abt the 2nd stormbolt which may kills it. with bash, it's a bonus as well. after expand, skip tech to tier 3 then mass gryphon and dragonhawk.

vs undead:
sky uses archmage in TM and LT, paladin in EI and TS, mk in TR and SV.
main strat for pal and mk is to quick lv3 then kill acolyte. 1 holylight + 1 hit = 1 acolyte or 1 stormbolt = 1 acolyte.
in TR, 1st hero mk can choose to expand or don't expand in tier 1. you can expand then lv3 mk by then and look for opponent's dk. or lv2 mk then tech and look for dk to battle. try to surround dk, or at least make it low hp and camp in base.

vs night elf:
you can't use mk as 1st hero.
because demon hunter will mana burn your mk to become a big footman. GG...

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