Friday, 30 April 2010

series of bad luck

i wonder where should i start.
maybe i should just pick out the more significant ones.

karma for kidnapping my housemate's "tou tou".

first, my laptop screen is damaged.

i was too angry with my assignment score that i threw my mouse at the screen. believe it?

when i wanted to bring my laptop downstairs, it slipped off my hand and flipped... and smashed against the corner of my table.
as you can see, 2/3 of the screen can't be seen.
called to check for repair the next day~ "it will take 46 days to repair."
great, i've an assignment due on tuesday.
so i went to city to buy a monitor.
samsung 20-inch LCD.
maybe i should feel lucky that i don't need a new laptop.

more limitation to my table's space. -0-

carried my laptop in my bag to school and consult my tutor on my assignment. planned to go city after that.
while i walked across the road to the bus stop after consultation, my bag's strap snapped! and yes... my bag dropped in the middle of the road which left my laptop with more damage. and maybe i should again consider myself lucky not to get bang by car. (i just watched another car accident several meters away from me when i walked to school.)

when i carried my monitor home, the car almost crashed into me at the slope.

still alive to eat my sushi and do my assignment.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

not satisfied at all

i made my way down to collect my assignment which i did weeks ago, with hope that i could do decently well.
and last thing i want is anything below my expectation, but a slap by reality again!

67.5/100 <--- noob score!

i just took a quick look at it since i was going to a tut, and there was a comment "you've made good critique point.".
so in the critique section which is 30% of the whole assignment, i get a just pass for it. so i made good critique point which only capable to reach just pass. while my table, i saw negative things on it, but i had high distinction for that? wtf.

talking about that, it was marked by my tutor.
and i had very specific warning from my friend who did this course before, "dont go to her tutorial, join another. you'll suffer."
just when i used to think her way to bring material over is below par, but seems like there's more to it.
there were around 15 people in the 1st tut, followed by 10, 8, 5... and the new low was 2. and i had been quite faithful, not to change tut. -_-
maybe i should have listened to my friend and just tut hop.

that totally demoralised me!
and yes, i'm angry!

motivation bar: [|||||----------]
rage bar: [|||||||||||||||]

anyway, the tutor who taught in the tut that i had after i collected that shit, is kinda 'my type' of tutor. he made sense to me at least. he gives me logical and understandable answer to my question, unlike the other. i like his "does that make sense to you?". quite funny anyway.

so after the tut, i was talking about the assignment score. he was trying to moralise me, "at least you pass." and clearly he caught my expression on my face that, PASSING IS THE VERY MINIMUM REQUIREMENT!
he went on, "do you know that UQ business school is ranked 20+ in the world? you will probably get a 80+ in other schools." and again i think he can read me that i was thinking, "yeah right, you mean oxford, harvard or campbridge?". he just lighted his stick and said, "it is much better than (named some schools which i dont want to name, so don't flame me if you happen to guess it's your school. but you get the idea? LOL)." then another teaching staff walked past, he grabbed her to join the conversation. lol. but one thing is that he didn't go "don't worry, cheer up, you'll do better next time." which i seriously hate to hear such type of comment.

anyway, i won't 自暴自弃 and throw the towel. gonna nail the 2nd assignment and the exam! a total of 80% up for grab.
seems like another episode of come back from me.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

krispy kreme

yesterday morning, exam!
should do just fine, though i hope i can do more than fine.

walked back with a long black, played some games on bnet.
since i didn't wanna sleep, as i probably will wake up after 7pm. lol.

went out to city to buy gift for wl with chelsea.
followed by krispy kreme when nazeeya joined us.
heard so much abt krispy kreme, and it tastes like normal donut to me.
furthermore i've no love for donut, too sweet.
tried an original though...

the price of 1 donut...

the picture you've been talking about. i used it as my profile pic because i rarely have a generally colourful pic. plus the right side, "krispy-licious".
and if i fully remove her face on the left, mine will get cut too.

Friday, 16 April 2010

pictures of the house

last week was the 1 week sem break, and i spent it on sleeping and assignment. emo* lol
gonna post the pics of the place i live in, i'll show a pic of my room soon.

my dinner tonight: noodle + kimchi + beef sausage + egg

introducing my 2 housemates:


Sunday, 4 April 2010

Hero of Newerth

downloaded HoN beta and played a few rounds with mango & co.
(for those who don't know what's HoN, it's dota brought to its own platform with better graphic and new features)
i can't play dota with them on garena because of server, and your idol being in aust.
crazy delay etc..

- the major keys are direct brought over from warcraft, e.g. alt, shift, tab, ctrl, A, S, H, M.
- hotkeys can be reconfigured in the option of the game, doesn't need 3rd party program to map hotkeys like item inventory.
- every hero has the same default skill hotkeys (Q, W, E, R), although dota players will take time to get use to it, but i think it's good in long term run.
- in game chat is available, althought it's not as good as skype
- reconnect to the game after a player dc. it's extra useful to me because my connection always dc.
- vote to concede, lets not waste time... lol
- leaver record
- kick inactive players (i get kicked because i was clicking around the shops to find item. lol)

- the minimap is horrible, can't really see much. i didn't notice enemy is beside me.
- fog of war is too short. the game map is relatively stretched in compare with dota's, so with the fog distance to decrease further, it becomes more sneaky. you need to have closer control in terms of micro, and click closer to your hero when u move at times. maybe this encourage more ganking, with the fog distance, you can gang better due to fog abuse initiative.
- slight map bug, because of the tree positioning and the fog. when i click to move into the trees, my hero move to the edge of the entrance then the fog covered up the point location, so my hero auto find another route to the place i click. so it looks like my hero move in and out of the entrance, can be solved by close micro control clicks.
- the colour is too close to each other, so hard to tell for many things.
- need to balance some of the stuff, e.g. magmus (sandking)'s stun time (2.15sec) is longer than the ulti's channelling time (2sec).